Sunday, 21 June 2015


Hello Again,

It is interesting but hardly surprising that the affirmation “It is safe to look within” had me in a flurry of outward activity. In fact, I ticked so many ‘to do’ boxes that I should affirm to look within to get me moving whenever I feel like vegging on the couch.  I managed to maintain an inner reflection as I worked through my tasks, but I must admit I was particularly captivated by my mental dialogue.

As I witnessed the passing parade of thoughts, most of which were anchored in the ego realm, it occurred to me that this was certainly not the desired awareness of this affirmation. I noticed that I was merely moving my ‘stuff’ around and bringing up dust as I did so. Noticing everything that comes up feels like work, but at the end of the day, despite the focus it takes, shifting it around doesn’t constitute a real clean. My thoughts are sometimes excruciatingly uncomfortable and some of them have to go!

If you’re anything like me, thoughts come and go without and even despite of, any conscious effort. It is seemingly impossible to choose what will come in, but it must be possible to choose what we allow to stay. I found it easier to let go of certain thoughts when I contemplated them as objects in the rooms of my mind that were actually grabbing for my awareness. I could then choose what I would focus on and what I did not want to give my energy to. I started with the irritating ones, held them in my mind and then affirmed to ‘go within’ dragging them with me. 

My intent was to see the thought as a surface ego manifestation and take it within where the light of soul would shine truth upon it. What was revealed in that light was not all love and joy, in fact, the opposite was true. The light revealed my attachments and wounds and in some cases I saw my unwillingness to get out of my judgement around certain issues. When people conduct themselves in ways that are deceitful or selfish and that hurts us, I guess it is just easier to contemplate them as assholes and firmly draw the ‘us and them’ line. Be that as it may, nothing leaves our life until it has taught us what we need to learn – and I think the lesson is a little deeper that me making a character assessment – albeit an accurate one!

So I am staying with the notion of continuing to look within – in safety. I intend to open to deeper learning within my judgement thoughts that still lurk in the recesses of my mind. I truly want to see the blessing, the growth and the divinely orchestrated path that is ushered in by the events of my life and to do this; I need to give up my need to keep enemies. The Universe agrees, because the affirmation I divined for today is:

I trust the process of life

Now this is something truly worth embodying – after all, life is our only true Guru. Let’s take a few days with this one.

I hope you are all going well. With school holidays upon me for the next three weeks I will definitely continue with daily affirmations; however the blogs might be less frequent.  


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