Monday, 15 June 2015

The plot thickens

Hello Friends,

This affirmation has been lovely. Instead of triggering a self-depreciating cringe, it has in fact opened the door for a rush of other positive thoughts to come in. I’m still on very shaky ground where my safety and security are concerned, but within that I can feel a glimpse of new beginnings emerging. I was very present energetically on my walk this morning and felt free of much of the baggage of my past. I was also working on sensing any further density and visualised it being released to the light. 

I still have a laugh when I look in the mirror and recite this affirmation, but it’s not due to disbelief or scorn. Instead it is because I am surprised and amused that I still genuinely feel positive despite the sobering reflection of the aging woman I see before me. Now days I have far more acceptance around my mortal body and ego, as well as a genuine desire to honour both in gratitude. They really have been the depository for all my angst, judgement and abuse and therefore have supported me with remarkable resilience. The feelings generated by this affirmation transcend my judgements and insecurities and have shown me that I am now someone learning to embody self-respect. Perhaps that is the highest form of self-love.

The difference in my approach to this affirmation is merely a reflection of the work I have done over the years in trying to identify myself more as a soul journeying through life, as opposed to an ego and body that is always reaching -and falling short. I now feel that I have a gentle connection to the divine spark within and that it is what I am trying to acknowledge via these affirmations. That connection has helped me to realise that I, like many others, have set a heavy curriculum for this life and that the patterns and shackles I have let go of should be celebrated. Whatever happens, this life has been one of growth and not stagnation, even though at times I have chosen some dark routes.

Despite my positive mood, or who knows, perhaps because of it, a mere hour later, a physical alarm manifested in my body, once again on the right side.  I was thrown right back in to fear. It’s a tricky, sticky situation for me, one that I will expand on when appropriate. 

Once again though, I am looking at a reality where affirmation is showing me where I am not, as opposed to where I am.  Maybe, it shows me both.

The plot definitely thickens and I have no idea where this decision to explore affirmation so deeply will take me. Suffice to say I’m ok with all of it except the public sharing…how ironic. I do know however that if I had to choose between soul purification and ego gratification I would choose the former. I am however, hoping to balance both.
Until the next instalment.


  1. What a powerful affirmation Sal. My experience was the opposite of your lovely one. I triggered an event that unearthed a deep "I'm invisible" response. My first. It brings with it a great healing opportunity. Thank you! x

  2. Feeling. I am ok. Even throu I have all the old feeling running around. The forces has moved

  3. It's intense isn't it? Like I said, even though I was feeling the love, I still triggered a deeply fearful event in the physical. I am holding a group intent that we can all release what no longer serves. You all being here warms my heart and helps me perservere. THANK YOU xx
