Saturday, 13 June 2015

Balance and Magic

Happy Sunday Everyone.

I have been quietly reflecting on the issues I raised in yesterday’s blog, looking for the source of my feelings of disquiet.  The feelings run much deeper than I initially realised and my resistance to affirmation is kicking in big time. 

I can’t deny that I baulk at the idea that I can change my life by simply overlaying everything that is going on with a positive statement. It is right there, in that arms crossed, “as if” attitude where I can now see my inflexibility play out. It was a bit of an unseemly moment.

You might recall that inflexibility in physical direction was at the spiritual source of my cut thumb yesterday and that I was completely unaware that it was even an issue. I considered because ‘I was doing the work,’ that it didn’t really apply to me; but in the end, I could not ignore the blood. It took me all this time, amid serious reflection and a breakfast with a friend for me to truly own it, which drives me crazy. It really is more difficult to see your own ‘stuff’.

There is no doubt in my mind that thought alone does not create our reality. The complex journey of soul though matter cannot, I believe, be limited to only one plane of awareness, nor can one plane be more dominant or hold all the answers. The Universe is first and foremost about balance.  And yet, there can be no doubt either that our inner dialogue has an enormous impact on the way we meet the world, so doing work there is a good thing. 

My spiritual fire has always burned well.  I rarely have physical issues manifest on the left side of my body, but often do on the right side. Clearly I need to focus more diligently on the physical aspects of my life in order to facilitate balance in my intimate Universe. Affirmation is the right tool for this job; hence I am back on board. I am pleased that my desire to take my bat and ball and go home has been averted. 

The truth is I want magic in my life. You know, those synchronistic moments where you truly understand; no embody, that everything is connected, nothing is random and we are truly on a divine journey. Oh I’ve had some amazing experiences when Susie and I have been running workshops and channeling in our sacred spaces, but then it all seems to unravel when the grind of the ego life is resumed. I want that beauty across all the facets of my life!

With that in mind it appears that this phase for me is about balance and unification, an excellent focus and one that also supports my belief that we should always approach change in essence over form. In other words, embody the bigger picture energy of what you want and let go and allow the physical to manifest in alignment, rather than persuing something in the physical to try to bring inner happiness. 

So I accept that I need to work with greater awareness in my physical life. There is no better place to start than with my most intimate physical manifestation – my body.

The new affirmation is: I am comfortable looking in the mirror, saying, I love you, I really love you. 

I hope you join me.


  1. Ooh Sally, that new affirmation. Will try that on myself tomorrow. Cringing. Thank you xx

  2. Go for it Blue Girl...may we both face down that cringe and find our true beauty xx
