Wednesday, 24 June 2015

process of life

Hello Friends,

I am pretty time poor at the moment due to having fun with the family on school holidays, so I will need to get straight to the point.

The affirmation “I trust the process of life” has manifested immediate results and in three distinct awareness.

The first manifestation was that I had to have a CT scan. Are we ever more vulnerable than being half naked, unable to even flinch in a machine that sounds like it is about to take off, all while the medics run for cover in another room?  I was reminded how fragile our mortal body is, but also how resilient. I was present in that moment of the inevitability that somewhere, sometime my body will begin the process of decay which will gain momentum as it is drawn toward physical death.  As I lay there I could not deny that such a journey is an unavoidable process of life.  

A day later I was about to land at Tullamarine Airport. We were low enough that I could tell that those cows on the ground were actually bulls. Suddenly, in a thrust of power that made the aircraft shudder, we were straining to ascend, the engines powering up as the landing was aborted. My husband, who was seated in the aisle, could hear the warning alarm sound from the flight deck and in an instant every horror scenario passed through my mind, while I simultaneously knew it was ok. It reminded me that part of the process of life is the truth that no matter how well my spiritual fire might burn, events will still happen that I cannot consciously control and that some will be terrible and I will have to endure and journey them regardless. 

The final event was the funeral of a friend. Here I was confronted with the notion of loss and impermanence as part of the process of life.  I prefer to think that he has ‘dropped the body’ or ‘shifted dimensions’ than consider he has died. Only the mortal body dies, the eternal just changes form. 

In some Eastern religions, your final thoughts at the point of death are considered so critical to the death/reincarnation process of life that they dedicate a great amount of their energy in life preparing for the moment of death. In the West however, we tend to push death away, fight it and in some cases try to beat it. Yet, as George Harrison sang...”All things must pass”. 

Given I am approaching the 50 milestone and likely have more life behind me than ahead, I couldn’t help but consider how prepared I am to embrace the ultimate process of life – that is; in working consciously with my death.

You would be aware that in my last blog I decided to give up my need to harbour enemies, which means I must also give up my attachment to being ‘right’ – or at least that others are wrong or have wronged me.  The process of life affirmation has given rise to events which demonstrate clearly just why that is so important. It is easy to ‘trust the process’ when we are ‘in the positive flow’, but when things go dark, we can struggle against it rather than trust the storm. I want to be able to flow in light and dark and find the truth and beauty within both.

When I leave this world, I would like to ‘drop the body’ in a consciousness characterised by love and grace. To do so I have to start now. I am working to rid myself of thoughts and feelings of resentment, fear, hate, jealousy and so on. I trust that the process of life is occurring to clear me of these lower intents and I seek to allow them to purify my attachment and ego.  

So my affirmation for the next few days is: 

My heart is open. I speak with loving words.

Until next time, stay open.


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