Monday, 15 June 2015

Life loves you

Hello Again,

I am pleased, no ecstatic to say that my fears were only paper tigers and even though their facades were terrifying, they were exposed relatively quickly.

I had to sweat it out for about 24 hours or so before I could face them down and eradicate them and through all the angst the feelings of love beneath this affirmation held firm. It was quite a revelation to me. Once again my inner fire burned, but this is the first time it has prevailed when tested in connection to self-love. I do believe I am embodying more of my light and so feel a sense of faith taking root. 

Yet, once again I was somewhat floundering in the physical, but I have a good man to hold my hand and am learning to accept love and support as it flows to me. I now have an even stronger sense that the physical is where my work needs to be in the short term. I feel very blessed that I will connect physically with so many of my soul family in less than a fortnight. Thank you all for being there to greet me as I emerge from the trials of the last 7 or so months.

Yesterday I mentioned that the ‘I love you” affirmation was triggering other, equally positive thoughts to enter my mental realm. While I am going to continue with this affirmation for the next few days, I will also add one of the new ones – so we now have two focuses. 

Our new one is - I love life and life loves me. 

When I say this, I can feel my solar plexes respond.

I have to head out on a little road trip for the next few days and will not have the tools or wifi to post to this blog tomorrow. I am sure I will have some new insights when I return. Thank you to the beautiful people who join me here. I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Love you to Sally xxx I will be thinging of you at 7 in the am xxx
