Tuesday 1 September 2015

I'm not going to hell for you!

I focus on what I love and thus draw it to me.

Grrrrrr!!! Freakin’ hysterical… I can’t deny that the Universe has an inspiring sense of humour!

I have worked with this affirmation, as I do with all my spiritual exploration, from the awareness of essence over form. In other words, I did not focus on drawing physical outcomes to me, but instead began looking at where my focus actually was, since that is the foundation from which my physical life emerges. 

While we can exert our will in an attempt to focus in a ‘positive’ direction (when we remember to), the reality is that our true and consistent focus exists under our conscious awareness. You can know it however, if you become aware of your spontaneous responses to your life. Most of us accept that how we treat others is a reflection of ourselves. So with this affirmation I looked at those areas where I have closed my heart, have shut down, am avoiding and cannot forgive - myself and others. 

Forgiveness in spiritual life is necessary because without it, your heart is closed and separation is fortified which, in turn, creates restriction and suffering in your own life. Spiritually, it is never really a question of morality, or of who did what to whom, because our perspectives on the circumstances are too intimate and variable. Instead, forgiveness is about seeking our common ground which begins in the acknowledgment that in all Earthly pain, we are both victim and perpetrator. We are all carrying scars and weapons. 

I was raised in a dysfunctional family that has in no way transcended the labyrinth of compelling and deep wounding that is at the source of its problems. I am estranged from one family member, cautious with others, and still deeply connected to some. I searched my feelings around each relationship and contemplated whether I am adding to suffering or not – theirs and mine. 

I decided in some instances I was avoiding connection and so prepared myself and entered the ‘lion’s den’ so I could work with these concepts in the physical and so embody them. I stayed present during our reunion, pausing to check in on my power centre, my heart, and my thoughts. Much to my surprise, it was all clear! There was no judgement and no attachment, just a flow of energy that moved through us. I was surprised and was left scratching my head wondering where my work will come in. I didn't have to wait long.

There is an older lady that walks around our beautiful lake system here at home smoking and dropping cigarette butts along the way. There are now hundreds along the walkways and when I see them, it always gets my ire up. I don’t understand people who litter, or don’t pick up after their dog, especially as it damages our shared natural environment. Once, my husband told her to pick up after herself, but the butts just keep multiplying.

This morning, I heard my husband ranting. Apparently we have a stack of her white butts dropped on our nature strip! I’m speechless, my throat constricted by the tsunami of energy spiraling inside me. I observe my heart, my power centre and thoughts and cannot help but notice I have a raging war inside me. I’m wondering how I am going to deal with this. Perhaps I’ll drop my dog poo on her lawn, maybe I’ll go to council, or harass her if I pass her on our walks - as Dr. Seuss said…”Oh the places you’ll go”.

I’m trying to resist what is occurring within me, but the energy, the judgement is just so strong that I can feel it pulling me under. I know I have to just stop and drop the stories, the outrage and feel the energy in my body - but (there's that danger word) it feels utterly linked to her actions. My heart is heavy, completely blocked. My power centre is pulsing and consequently my thoughts are, well…feral! This swirling energy takes me away and I simply cannot stay in the moment as I run a cacophony of stories about this stupid woman.

So what makes me stop? I fold washing to distract myself and ask “Who am I and who do I want to be? Will I fuel this woman’s neurosis and then become her? Or will I let it go and seek my higher awareness and be that instead?” In other words - will I go to hell for her? The answer is easy - NO WAY!

I will not retaliate, I will not fume or plot or even bother to judge or even let it take space in my mind. The only responsibility I have is to work with my own karma i.e. my response – and leave her to deal with hers. I choose to stay out of hell and the internal rage that feeds it. Instead I open my heart and link in with love I feel for the natural environment, instead of fueling my negative judgement for her abuse of it. I link to gratitude that I can work with my life rather than rage at those who do not share my perspective. I choose to find the love in my life that can transcend such provocative acts of ignorance.

Once again, we see that to get to what we love we must expose the blocks and judgements we have around it that keep us closed and separate. As usual, there’s no point in trying to prepare for our awakening. I was ready to deal with the family triggers and found only acceptance -while a grumpy old lady who uses our Mother Earth as an ashtray made me temporarily lose my mind – too funny!
So my new affirmation divined today is:

Forgive… let the past be the past

While it is heavy work, it is worthy work.
Until next time

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