Saturday, 15 August 2015

Suffering amid the love of Higher Will

I am a co-creator with the Higher Will

I have to admit that this affirmation has been about as comfortable to rest in as a bed of nails. In fact, it has pierced my consciousness and awoken me from my sleep in the wee small hours many times.  I have resisted writing about it as long as I could, just like my school assignments in the old days and like then, I am now faced with the ultimatum of do it now or fail at my task. So here I am, a little sulky and completely unsure of where this blog is going.

I believe this affirmation is true with all of my heart and I already work with Higher Will consciously, as an aspect of my own self that is unencumbered by Earthy attachments and so is more knowing. I believe Higher Will communicates under the realm of ego thought and nudges me awake via feeling. Conversely, I work with Divine Will as the sum of all of our Higher Will - the God/Goddess or the Universe if you prefer. Hence when I sat in meditation with this affirmation, I was definitely focussed within my own consciousness and life.

It was in reconciling my Higher Will with my physical life where the nails started to emerge. My life events over the past year have been characterised by feelings of suffering, fear and abandonment. I ask the ego - ”Did I do something to cultivate such trials?” “Of course not!” it screams. “You have tried to be loving and honest” and that is true. So at whose hand do I find myself manifesting a year of sacrifice?  Seeing no source of it in my ego actions, I am left with the invisible world of ‘Higher Will’ or spirit as my tormentor. This is dangerous territory, for it makes an adversary of the Self; it separates, and renders the source of our life unknowable to us, which is quite unacceptable.

And then the light goes on. What aspect of us abides in separation and projects is frailty outside amid blame and punishment? The ego of course; so I return my focus there. Despite my conscious intent to never allow my actions to deliberately harm another, I am still manifesting hardship. Now I have heard many people justify this anomaly in their own lives by pointing to ‘past life or present karma’ - but these people often see karma as punishment and reward, which is not only simplistic, but false. Others believe that ‘bad things happen to good people for no reason’ – however I don’t believe the infinite intelligence of the Universe can be contained within ‘no reason’. So despite my life 'well' lived, as creator of my own reality, what have I done to enable sacrifice as my life long companion? The answer has to be conscious, or the entire Earth walk is pointless – and that is an even more ridiculous concept than ‘no reason’.

So I wonder how I can trust my Higher Will (myself), if as a co-creator, I am rocked by events that I didn’t see coming, that don’t seem fair and that make me want to shake my fist at the Universe? The truth is, in sitting with this dilemma for the past week and venturing in to my ego decisions, I can see the link. Yes, it is true that I have chosen to love and support others, but some of those choices I can see now, were made in attachment and need so great that I sold my soul to 'have' it. I sacrificed the sacred “I” to get the love and support that was never offered freely, that contained nails and hooks instead of caresses and support. More, I can see that the search should have always been within for that love.  All of the choices were conscious and they felt pure because the attachments were so old and so deep that I didn’t even notice they were pulling me under – until I was nearly drowned.

So my Higher Will, as a co-creator, manifested that truth in my life so I could see the carnage it was causing manifested in my body and life and so deny it no more. I have not yet drowned, so it roused me in the nick of time – and now I am learning a new way a being – myself. 

This whole phase has also been the opening for the new direction of our work in Your Beautiful Life that is becoming a new workshop. It is both daunting and exciting.

So after a gruelling week, My Higher Will has co-created the following affirmation to rest in –

Take time to feel the love that surrounds you

Nice one – I’ll unclench my fist and instead say -

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