Thursday, 27 August 2015

Living well in impermanence

Your life is coming together now

I have enjoyed this focus very much. It has rested gently in my mind and has revealed many truths. Most importantly, awareness has anchored as to how my inner life has deepened since beginning my spiritual search so many years ago, and over the past year especially.

From the beginning of my spiritual exploration, right up until not that long ago, any contemplation around my life 'coming together' would have taken my focus out of my heart and into the physical manifestation of my 'real' world life. Further I would have measured its truth or otherwise according to what was manifesting in the physical, divided neatly in to what I hoped for and what I feared. Too little hope and too greater fear and I would have considered my life to be falling apart, not coming together. Despite all that I knew about the unlimited realm of soul, it seems I was still a slave to the limitation of ego in allowing it to tell me how well my spiritual fire was burning. Crazy huh?

I 'cut my spiritual teeth' on Western 'new age' thought that encouraged me to believe I was aligned to my Higher Self and the Universe whenever I ‘attracted’ good things and repelled negative experiences. I can remember quotes to the effect of "Where there is struggle you are not in the flow".  I took that sentiment literally and so spent a great deal of energy pushing away or severing my pain, while simultaneously clinging to whatever security I could find. I cut and burned everything from relationships to careers because I thought I was being compelled to take specific action to alleviate the challenging or difficult events occurring outside of me. That action was supposed to put me back “flow', but it rarely did.

That in itself is not the real problem, because no matter how hard we resist, what we need to look at will just keep manifesting in different forms until we ‘get’ it. At the same time what we cling to disappears or is revealed as a false flag and we find ourselves in turmoil once again - and we push it away again- or not. I'm sure you can relate to finding yourself back in the dense, dark undergrowth of ‘stuff’ you thought you’d dealt with. Is it comforting or scary to know we will always get to the truth of our learning? I now find it comforting, but I don’t want to take longer than I have to.

The problem with the notion of always seeking positive experience as a measure of spiritual connection is that we end up getting and then trying to hold something in a world of impermanence; a world in a constant state of death, decay and rebirth. Whenever we cling, yearn or push we fight this truth and create a barrier to knowing our own wisdom and loving awareness that is trying to emerge from 'what is'. I am so grateful I don't live my life in this way anymore.

Now, I can see that the strength, courage, commitment and resolve I have made to my inner life and spiritual work is beginning to weave through my consciousness in a far more empowering way. I’m not looking for proof of it ‘out there’ because I am beginning to embody it ‘in here’. My ability to maintain my equanimity in the face of the light and dark of my life has strengthened beyond measure. My connection to oneness is emerging, while my resistance to ‘what is’ is falling away. 

Yes my life is coming together but not because of what I have, but instead because of what I am able to let go of. I am not clutching at what I do have, nor am I yearning for what I do not have. Life is showing me a divine dance of light and dark, love and fear and I can honestly say that I am consciously working at staying present in both – even though I am in the midst of the most challenging times of my life. No one is more surprised or delighted by this, than me.

So now, as I meet people I try to consciously drop my awareness to my heart and to love. I offer up my forgiveness, beginning with myself, immerse myself gratefully in the reality of my aging mortal body and open to the immortality of soul. While honouring my Earth walk, I do sincerely and blissfully shout to the sky…"My life is coming together now!" How sweet it is.

So on to my new affirmation for the week. 

I focus on what I love and thus draw it to me.

Now isn’t that interesting. Considering I have just revealed that I no longer measure my life by what comes in, but rather by what I can release. Mmm, perhaps this is a chance to embody that truth. It requires a constant state of mindfulness that I admit I have not yet mastered, not even close…but I am so willing to try. 

Until next time, Namaste

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