Saturday, 8 August 2015

Success and the Lions Gate...

I am a success
I allow myself to feel successful.

This has been an interesting affirmation to try on. As I contemplated the notion of success, my focus immediately came to rest on my work with spirit and remained there, taunting me. It was no surprise. I am acutely aware that most of my unresolved issues emanate from the work that I do and in particular, the constant striving to bring it to fruition. While I am deeply committed, it is fair to say that it has not been enough to bring me to a point where I would consider myself successful. Therefore, I was excited to unite my work with the concept of success via this affirmation and hoped that it was a good sign, perhaps ushering in positive change. 

I participate in much more than this blog. I am involved in private on-line forums, live events, workshops and skype discussion groups. I also work with people one on one in channeling and via a high frequency healing modality. You might recall from a previous blog my intent to unravel my Western patterning and belief systems. Some of my spiritual work and sharing is paid, however it amounts to nowhere near a viable income, so from a Western view, I guess that would constitute failure. Since I have been working within spirit for 25 years, 15 of them directly with Your Beautiful Life, at times, I will admit, I have felt like I would crumple under the weight of lack of commercial success. It was not predominantly about money, although, let's face it, we all need make a living; but more about the fact that our work is deeply empowering, so I expected the support of spirit to 'get it out there' on a larger scale. 

I have however, been recompensed for the lack of financial return in my work by many, many moments of deep, revelation, connection and awareness. I have had women look me in the eye and tell me the work that I do with Susie and our guide Virgil has saved their life - literally. I have witnessed the practical as well as spiritual transformation in so many people’s lives as they work with our course and I feel blessed to have been part of it. Even in times of financial stress, my husband has always encouraged me to continue with this path, despite its sobering financial return. He, like many others, dread to contemplate where they would be if they had not undertaken the work contained in Your Beautiful Life so we keep believing.

As a vehicle for the guides, when people open to them in the channeling space, I am privileged to see what spirit sees, that is; into the true heart and soul of another - and it is always beautiful. Due to pain and struggle we cannot always see beauty in ourselves, but, trust me, it is there and it is breathtaking. It has motivated me to seek that connection in people myself, outside of the channeling space and so has enhanced my life in a way that transcends ego logic or measurement. It just rests in my higher inner awareness (when I can rest there too) and breaks my heart – but in a good way, in a way that lets light in.  

I am connected to the people I meet within my work so deeply that we can share the love of soul without flinching, without looking away and hiding. Even more significant is being able to share our shadow; aspects that we are fearful or ashamed of, or hiding from and so on. I have seen people at their most vulnerable, and allowed others to witness that in me. I have laughed, ranted, cried and sobbed. I have fought to crack barriers and supported people through their soul stories of darkness, betrayal, pain, to ultimately reach for awareness and triumph. Is that success? I'm not sure. It feels more like integrity, commitment, connection and purpose – and that has to be enough.

Hope can sometimes create a cold shroud over one’s life, can it not? When I am not getting what I desire, if I am attached to it, I will suffer with its absence. Worse, what I do have will be rendered less and continue to diminish. This is the danger of insisting the beauty of my work also conform to the parameters of Western 'success'. My tribe mean too much to me to even try- I could never look upon them as a commodity or a book sale.

So I'm going to try to unhook myself from my old ideas of success around my work that are absolutely couched in Western expectation. Instead, I will continue to honour each soul I meet and thank them for the gift of sharing that occurs in the moment of heart connection. It is a glimpse in to the truth of our soul - a truth that I will strive to anchor in to my present and future evolution.

We are soon to enter our 4th print run of Your Beautiful Life, with a new cover and added insight. Maybe, one day, when more people are ready to love, honour, share and look within for answers, physical and spiritual success will fuse and that balance will manifest in my life. Until then, onward to a new affirmation...

I am a co-creator with the Higher Will 

Now that's interesting, since we are right now in the energy of 888 - the Lion's Gate.

Mmm, best do a meditation on this one.

Until next time, Namaste.


  1. Wonderful insight Sally. The impact your work has made in the lives of many, including mine, is huge. And it ripples out to more than those you reach directly.
    I'm not a fan of "success", it just doesn't resonate with me. Fulfilment itself and if I'm lucky enough, prosperity if it comes with my souls purpose. But success is not on any scale that I measure my fulfilment.
    And hope... I love to hope. I try not to take my hope into expectation. That's when the hooks come in for me. xx

  2. Thanks for your insight Blue Girl, always spot on. Yes I am wrestling the concept of success out of my life and you have given me the soul expression of it to take its place - fulfillment - that I can strive for - thank you. xxx
