My Oh my how quickly our opportunities for shifts in
consciousness are manifesting; we really do live in exciting times.
At the beginning of this week, it was my intent to progressively
debrief all of my awareness that anchored during my recent trip home to Melbourne.
I only got as far as the relationship insights and poof, it’s all moved and I
can’t even touch it anymore let alone communicate it in a meaningful way. The
times are certainly changing and I am thrilled to be working consciously within
them even though the turns can at times be daunting.
I recorded in a previous blog that I had been harbouring
deep feelings of yearning to return to Melbourne to live permanently and it was
freaking my family out a little. However, in the process of honouring and
following those feelings without attachment, it soon became clear that what I truly
yearned for was connection to tribe and meaningful work in service to spirit. As
the holiday progressed and we visited old territory, I was surprised to learn that
the suburbs where I thought I might settle
back in to no longer felt ‘right.’ Worse, there was a palpable sense of ‘wrong’.
I had to admit that “the Melbourne solution’ was just my ego joining the dots,
seeking a quick fix to quench my deep desire for re-connection to life. If you
witness what you manifest, it will always reveal your truth as it appears in any moment. At this point in my journey
it is very important that I live my life as it is, as opposed to how I think it should be. So I left Melbourne with
my desire to expand and connect to my work burning bright, but with no idea where
the pathway to manifestation would emerge.
So I returned north and I busied myself with work via the
blog, our website and rejuvenating my healing work by ordering new light body
essences and getting my space in order for new clients. My focus on these tasks
was to ensure I was supporting my true desires but within that doing I kept
observing the prods and pull of life, many of which I didn’t yet understand,
but knew were still significant. In times like this all I can really do is remain
mindful, aware of feeling and unattached. I work on faith that awareness is
coming in and I have to make room for it to do so and over thinking crowds our reality. I always think of the anecdote of the farmer, so eager to assist
his crops that he goes out at night tuggs at the new shoots. Selling and
moving to Melbourne would have amounted to me pulling the shoots. There is
always timeliness to growth that I must honour, and I knew that it would be
revealed only without my ego interference.
At our recent Temple gathering in Melbourne, Buddha emerged as
another of the guides supporting Your
Beautiful Life and a great deal has shifted energetically as a consequence.
Usually, Susie works with new energy along-side me, pushing the channeling
deeper, clarifying and grounding before we then ‘take it on the road’. But this
time Susie is still overseas and so I was left wondering how this new impact
was going to be anchored and what the deeper purpose of her absence was. Well
today the stars aligned, in staggering perfection to provide those answers and all
without any ego control or attachment on my part. I can see a new vision emerging
and I hope I can hold it.
I love it when awareness links in and all of our ‘stuff’
makes sense. I especially love it when you realise that we are all indeed supporting
each other, in all circumstances, if we have the heart to see it. Clearly
anchored in a new phase, I decided to start afresh today with a new affirmation
to blog about. I was ecstatic to draw this:
My work is deeply fulfilling.
Bang! Oh yes! Bring it on. And to those who are joining me
to assist this birth, I honour our journey with love and gratitude.
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