Tuesday, 21 July 2015

The unreality of love

Love is everywhere, and I am loving and lovable. Loving people fill my Life, and I find myself easily expressing love to others.

Louise Hay

This is the affirmation I divined this morning, one that I didn’t even finish reading before I grimaced like I’d eaten a particularly sour lemon and responded with “Eeww I’m not doing that one!”  

Not ‘Ugh’ not ‘Ooh’ not ‘Hmm’ but a resounding ‘Eeww’, as though it had boy germs or something!

However, in the interests of honesty and walking my talk, I resisted the urge to ‘divine’ another affirmation until I got one I liked (admit it, you’ve done it before too), because do so, of course, is no divination at all, but an ego ‘judge fest’ in resistance. So here I am working with loved up lovingness amid loving everyone and everyone loving me - even the man who abused me for engaging in a courteous act of waving another driver through in front of me – yeah I love you too - arsehole!

So what is my resistance to this perfectly lovely, ideal vision for myself and the world? I mean, I would love this to be true for me, consciously cultivating a reality of giving and receiving love, where my higher thought and feeling attract only like situations into my life for growth and expansion -so why am I so reluctant to work with manifesting it? 

Well, in all honesty I have to admit, that as I read it, all I see is falsity and unreality of such magnitude that it feels as though working with it would simply set me up for disappointment and failure. This affirmation alludes to life being one dimensional, albeit a loving one and so nurtures only an aspect of the personal reality that I experience day to day.  It affirms the expression of love in all situations, those we can control, those we cannot and those sticky poignant matters of self-love. I actually do try to live my life in loving awareness, yet despite this, the world I encounter is not always ‘sharing round a campfire singing ‘Kumbayah’’, but can also involve sitting round a camp fire with gritted teeth trying not to ‘burn it all down’. Surely both experiences are valid.

Yes I know that finding love in the darkest places is one of the challenges of spirituality, but unless I can embody my Buddha nature (alas, unlikely in this lifetime) then this affirmation is just too big for me to digest in one sitting so feels inauthentic. So I will begin with a taste and see where that takes me. 

The aspect I will work with is: “Love is Everywhere”

(I was going to do I am “loving and loveable", but it made me wince, so that will be a topic for another blog) 

I’ll let you know how I go and would love to hear from you if you are joining me.


1 comment:

  1. I love that Sally! So funny. I can already see what would most likely play out for me in choosing that affirmation. The opposite. All of the things I resist and the circumstances and people that irk me and my grand ego response to it all. Hate, hate, hate, double hate, loathe entirely. So I'll try it on and see what arises. Thank you! xx
