So to continue from where I left off with my beautiful crab
friend who signalled I was in a shift that was sourced in my feelings – no surprises
there for a YBLer!
During my next beach walk, I was courted by a magnificent
sea eagle. He followed me for some time, effortlessly riding the thermals,
demonstrating his expanded and higher view of life. Eagle is a messenger for the
Divine mind that enables us to rise above fear
and uncertainty and see the ‘bigger picture’.
I was delighted to walk with eagle because I know his beauty
well. I didn’t even need to read my oracle definition when I returned home since I had opened to his message during our sacred connection in the moment. He
demonstrated that I can only open to higher perspective and purpose if I let go
of the ‘safe ground’ under my feet from time to time. I knew that the heart
awareness that crab had signalled was now seeking expansion to open my mind to
higher truth. Again, I didn’t feel the need to do anything but I was acutely aware that this was a second sign
that had manifested physically in my reality and that such things always came
in threes for me. I intended to remain open and grateful for the journey, trusting
that when the final experience manifested, some form of new understanding would
be mine to embody. In truth I was really quite desperate to anchor that awareness because I was tired of where I was.
In recent weeks I had been plagued with concerns over my
health – for good reason. For me though, the rub is not about ill health as much as it
is about how it might be linked to my soul and the journey I am trying to consciously walk. Let’s face it, none of
us consciously manifest ill health and many actually take action to reduce its likelihood.
However in the end, no matter how we have lived, our bodies will fail all of us, so why do we take it so
I cut my spiritual teeth on a diet of cause and effect and
was taught that blocked emotional states manifested as physical symptoms in the
body. While it is undoubtedly true that all four of our bodies; emotional,
physical, spiritual and mental are connected and the physical is indeed the
last frontier to get our attention, I believe it erroneous to consider that
we can halt all of these symptoms simply by changing something at an ego level
or applying spiritual ‘rules’. It was this that was making me uncomfortably
groundless. I initially threw myself into spirituality in an effort to eradicate suffering and I thought spirit
would save me if I just responded appropriately to my life. Despite understanding
the futility of this notion and giving it up years ago, I could feel myself
reaching for ‘right’ surface action and responses whenever I felt the fear
connected to my health rise. It bothered me because I believe ego control is an
illusion and selling spiritual truth as a means to control our lives might even
be a true definition of ‘blasphemy’. It was frustrating to me that my reality wasn't expanding, but instead was contracting.
During my next beach walk I didn’t have any animal
companions join me. By this time I was definitely preoccupied with the lack of
control I have over my health and was tired of the constant nagging thoughts that I could not seem to quiet. Despite my best efforts, I
was hardly embodying the higher mind of eagle! I have walked these beaches for years and
while I have always measured my time, I have never measured the distance. When
I returned to my car, instead of doing a U-turn and heading straight home, I
decided to drive ahead along the esplanade that runs parallel to the beach in
order to measure how many k’s I walk. I cannot tell you why it mattered to me
on this day, when it has not mattered one iota in the past.
I followed my route, noted my distance and then did the
U-turn to return home. When I approached an area about 100 metres from where I
usually park my car, the traffic ground to a halt.
There are many pedestrian crossings so it was neither unusual nor concerning.
The beach was on my right, the shopping strip on my left. There were gates
padlocked with a chain on my left perhaps blocking off access to the rear of
the shop. Suddenly, they burst open; the chain and debris flying as a huge twin cab 4wd
smashed them open, swerving onto the footpath at the last second, to barely miss
me. It came to a halt parallel to me, still on the footpath facing in the
opposite direction. It was a surreal experience that my mind was trying to make
sense of, when I heard a man yell with an authority that would have made me
move in an instant - “Get out of the f*#king car!” I looked up and was
astonished to see a plain clothes policeman with his handgun drawn across the bonnet
of my car and pointed directly at the occupant of the 4wd.
I was transfixed. We all know that police don’t draw their
handguns without good cause. Since there were banks nearby, I wondered whether
the 4wd contained an armed robber and if so, whether I was about to be caught in the
middle of a shoot-out. At that thought my instinct was to duck, but I
immediately realised the futility and even the humour of that. If bullets began
flying, there was nowhere for me to hide. As the officer continued to demand the
perpetrator “Get out of the f*#king car” he moved to stand in front of mine. If
it all turned to shit, I had no escape.
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